Article II – Membership and Fees2023-01-22T20:53:18+00:00

Article II – Membership and Fees

Section 1: Membership Institutional Members 

a) Institutions which are recognized by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) and have paid the annual fee in accordance with Section 2 are Institutional Members of OURA. Institutional Members are eligible to participate actively in the work of OURA.  

b) Associate Members
Professional representatives in educational agencies or institutions may apply for Associate Membership, which must be approved by the Executive Committee. Associate Members may attend OURA workshops and annual general meetings, but may not vote or hold office. 

c) Honourary Members
Honourary Members shall be those individuals, no longer eligible to be Institutional Members, but with records of significant service in OURA, who are so selected by the Executive Committee. They shall enjoy a permanent invitation to attend OURA meetings and to maintain interest in OURA affairs 

Section 2: Fees  

a) Institutional membership in OURA requires the payment of an institutional membership fee. The fee structure is approved by the OURA executive and reviewed annually. 

b) Fee increases are subject to the approval of the OURA executive, and may be carried by a majority vote.