Article III – The OURA Executive and Officers of OURA
Section 1: The OURA Executive
a) The OURA Executive is comprised of the Registrar of each member institution, and the Registrar or designate thereof is the OURA voting member.
b) The following members are ex-officio non-voting members of the Executive:
- Chair, Ontario University Council on Admissions
- University co-Chair, Ontario Association of Student Financial Aid Advisors
- Chair, Standing Committee on Student Recruitment
- Chair, Professional Development and Education Committee
c) An institution may appoint a designate to the OURA Executive if approved by the voting membership.
Section 2: The Officers of OURA
a) The officers of OURA are the Chair, Past-Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
b) The term of office begins April 1 after the Annual Meeting at which a member was elected and continues to March 31 of the succeeding year. The Treasurer, and Secretary shall serve for a two-year term and may stand for re-election for one consecutive two-year term. The other members shall serve for one-year terms and may stand for re-election, but no member may serve for more than three consecutive terms in one position.
c) Should one of the Officer roles become vacant, other than the office of Chair, the Executive shall have discretion as to whether the vacancy is left unfilled or filled via (1) a by-election or (2) by appointment.
Section 3: Election of Officers
a) The Officers of OURA are elected annually at the OURA Annual General Meeting.
b) The immediate OURA Past Chair shall be Chair of the Nominating Committee. The OURA Chair shall appoint two other members, one of whom shall be the current OURA Vice-Chair, to act on the Committee.
c) The Chair shall be the Vice-Chair of the previous year, and the Past-Chair, shall be the Chair of the previous year.