Standing Committee on Records and Systems
To exchange information regarding development, management or operation of manual and /or computer systems used in the Office of the Registrar and related student service areas.
To advise and make recommendations to the Ontario University Registrar’s Association regarding all aspects of systems as they affect Registrar’s Offices and related student service areas in Ontario.
To advise and make recommendations on systems referred to in section 1(a) involving the co-operation of the Ontario Universities.
To undertake such systems-related studies and activities as requested by the OURA Executive.
Regular Member: Shall consist of anyone who is a Regular Member of OURA and has responsibilities related to the development, management or operation of systems in the Registrar’s Office or related student service areas.
Associate Member: Membership is extended to Associate Members of OURA. Such members may not be elected to the OURA Standing Committee on Records & Systems nor may they have voting privileges.
a. The Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) Regular members as follows:
Chair, Vice-Chair and Past-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall be elected prior to the Annual Meeting of the Association, for a one year term and will automatically become Chair at the end of that term.
A Member-at-large shall be elected to the Committee by the university records and systems representatives and will act as Secretary for the committee, keeping a record in minutes of the proceedings of committee meetings to circulate to each committee member.
In addition, three (3) members shall be elected on a regional basis, where possible, to the Committee by the university systems representatives.
The Chair shall be a member of the OURA Executive Committee.
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Records & Systems shall also act as Chair and The Chair of the Standing Committee shall have no vote, except to cast a tie-breaking vote.
The Standing Committee will meet at the discretion of the Chair or by direction of the OURA Executive.
A copy of the agenda shall accompany the Notice of Meeting which will normally be distributed two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
At all meetings of the Records & Systems Group at least five (5) members, excluding the Chair shall form a quorum.
Observers may be invited to attend meetings of the Systems Group.
The Chair of Records & Systems Group shall have no vote, except to cast a tie-breaking vote.
a. The Records & Systems Group will meet at least once a year. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair or by a majority of members of the Standing Committee.
A copy of the agenda shall accompany the Notice of Meeting which will normally be distributed two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
Whenever possible, the Annual Meeting of the Standing Committee will be scheduled to coincide with other OURA meetings.
Special meetings will be held in Toronto whenever possible.
At all meetings of the Standing Committee three (3) members, excluding the Chair shall form a quorum.
Observers may be invited to attend meetings of the Standing Committee.
Only one Regular Member from each institution will be allowed to vote.
The Chair of the Standing Committee shall have no vote, except to cast a tie-breaking vote.