Standing Committee on Secondary School Liaison
The name of the Committee shall be the General Committee on Student Recruitment (GCSR). It is a Standing Committee of the Ontario University Registrars’ Association (OURA).
It shall, in cooperation with the Secondary Schools in the Province of Ontario, annually organize and supervise the University Information Program (UIP).
It shall conduct workshops for the exchange of information, professional development and for the development of new procedures.
It shall conduct research and studies on matters related to effective communication with secondary school counsellors and students.
Universities which are recognized by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) are considered eligible to participate actively in the work of the GCSSL.
The GCSSL is responsible to COU through OURA. COU provides funding for the GCSSL functions and publications through OURA. The GCSSL shall advise OURA on any item where it requires information.
All participating universities as defined in Article I, Section 3, are Institutional Members. Each Institutional Member has one vote on all matters brought before the GCSSL. Institutional Members may designate as many individual members to the GCSSL as it wishes. A membership list shall be established at the time of the Annual Meeting and will be up-dated regularly throughout the year.
The GCSSL shall consist of one voting member from each participating university. This will be the person responsible for Secondary School Liaison within the institution or the person to whom they delegate that authority.
Other individual members may attend and participate in GCSSL meetings in accordance with Article III, Section 5.
The Standing Committee shall consist of:
The Chair;
the immediate Past Chair;
six members elected at large by the GCSSL;
The Chair of the INFO Editorial Board (ex officio).
The Chair of the OUF-SC (ex officio)
Web site Administrator (ex officio)
The election of the members-at-large shall take place at the Annual Meeting.
Nominations for the position of member-at-large should be presented to the Chair at least two weeks prior to the date of the Annual Meeting. Nominees must be sanctioned by their institutions to stand for election. The Chair shall inform all members of the GCSSL, prior to the Annual Meeting, of those who will stand for election. Nominations may be made from the floor for all positions if a two-thirds majority of institutions present so approve. Such nominees must have the prior consent of their institution to stand for election. Any member of the GCSSL is eligible to nominate candidates for any position.
When nominations have been closed, the officer(s) shall be chosen by a majority of those participating universities present and voting.
The term of office begins with the adjournment of the Annual Meeting at which a member was elected. Each elected member will serve a one-year term and may stand for re-election.
If any office is left vacant, the Chair shall have the discretion as to whether the vacancy is filled via (1) a by-election or (2) appointment, or (3) is left unfilled until a new election is conducted at the Annual Meeting.
The following shall be the functions of the Standing Committee and the members thereof:
A Vice-Chair who will assume the position of Chair the following year from the members-at-large; – one member-at-large to act as secretary for the SCSSL and the GCSSL, another to be responsible for UIP publicity and a third to organize Mini Dialogues and University information evenings; – a Chair of the INFO Editorial Board and a representative to the INFO Editorial Board, in accordance with Article VI, Section 2 from the GCSSL;
To act on behalf of the GCSSL; to establish study committees, prepare reports, working papers and recommendations for consideration by the GCSSL;
To prepare an annual budget for presentation to OURA; to establish workshops on business related to the GCSSL; to report decisions of the GCSSL to the appropriate bodies;
To be responsible for the Annual Meeting; to call special meetings of the GCSSL if the need arises;
To report as required to OURA;
To monitor the production of INFO;
To determine the site of the Annual Workshop;
To set the rotation schedule for the Regional Dialogues as indicated in Article III, Section 4.
The Past Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair, preside and perform the duties of the Chair. The Past Chair shall be the treasurer of the GCSSL and shall have supervision over all monies belonging to, or managed by, the GCSSL. The Past Chair shall keep accurate financial records and shall annually present a financial statement to the GCSSL. The Past Chair shall also generally carry out those duties and tasks as assigned by the Chair or the Standing Committee.
The Chair shall preside as Chair for all meetings of the GCSSL and is an ex-officio member of every committee of the GCSSL; shall appoint individual members to serve on committees, boards or commissions that request participation from the GCSSL; and shall be the GCSSL representative to the Ontario University Registrars’ Association (OURA) and the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre Advisory Board. The Chair is normally considered the official spokesperson for the GCSSL and as such is required to prepare and submit an annual report.
The Vice Chair shall, in accordance with Article II, Section 4, Subsection a) i), assume the role of Chair in the year following the appointment as Vice Chair. At the time of the Annual Meeting the Vice Chair shall present a report of the recently completed UIP based on comments solicited from the membership. The Vice Chair shall also carry out those duties and tasks as assigned by the Chair or Standing Committee.
The member-at-large appointed as Secretary shall keep a record in minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the GCSSL and cause those records to be circulated to the institutional members at the appropriate times; shall maintain, update and distribute the GCSSL membership lists; and shall ensure that all relevant Terms of Reference deadlines are brought to the attention of the Chair and Standing Committee in good time.
The member-at-large appointed to be responsible for publicity shall endeavor to notify public media of the activities of the GCSSL, in particular the UIP, so as to encourage public attendance at those programs.
The member-at-large appointed to be responsible for the organization of Mini Dialogues and university evenings shall endeavor to contact secondary school officials in the boards where those sessions are to occur to ensure all universities are invited and the format is conducive to providing information to students and parents.
Ex-officio member, Web site Administrator, reports to the SCSSL and GCSSL on the progress of the collective Web site. The Web site administrator shall maintain the Web site. The incumbent shall monitor site memberships and ensure appropriate access is granted to members. The Web site administrator shall monitor content posted by members of the GCSSL and ensure the user protocols are maintained and updated.
Ex-officio member, Chair OUF Steering Committee will report to the GCSSL on all matters related to the management of the affairs of the OUF Steering Committee and the Ontario Universities’ Fair. The OUF-SC Chair will manage the affairs of the OUF-SC and the OUF in order to fulfill the mandate of the OUF; review and recommend on contracts and budgets to the OUAC; manage the event contractor in partnership with the OUAC; liaise effectively with OUAC administrators and manage processes and timelines.
Date and Place of the Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting shall be held no later than March 1st each year.
The date and place of the Annual Meeting shall be designated by the Standing Committee and shall generally be held during the same week and at the same location as the OURA Annual Meeting.
Members and Quorum
All members of the GCSSL shall be invited to attend the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting fifty percent plus one of the institutional members shall form a quorum.
An agenda shall be forwarded to the institutional members at least two weeks prior to the date of the Annual Meeting and shall include:
Chair’s report;
Financial report;
Vice Chair’s report;
Nominations for the offices of the Standing Committee received to date;
Reports and recommendations of the committees.
Each participating university shall have one vote.
Meetings of the Standing Committee shall be called at the discretion of the Chair.
Each member of the Standing Committee, with the exception of the Chair of the INFO Editorial board, shall have one vote.
Meetings of the Standing Committee shall normally be held in a central location in the Province.
At all meetings of the Standing Committee, four of the members shall form a quorum.
A Workshop shall be held each year prior to the beginning of the UIP sponsored by the Standing Committee to:
exchange information among universities;
develop common procedures, where desirable, applicable to the liaison function;
introduce new liaison personnel;
provide opportunity for professional development.
A Workshop Committee will be struck at the Fall Meeting to plan and organize the Workshop.
The Workshop Committee may receive recommendations for Workshop topics from members of the GCSSL or from the Standing Committee.
Workshop shall be hosted by one of the member institutions.
The Chair shall ask the members at the General Meeting normally held in August to indicate their interest in hosting Workshop. The Standing Committee shall determine which institution is to host Workshop in accordance with Article II, Section 4, Subsection a), xiv).
The university which accepts the offer to host Workshop commits itself for the physical arrangements and financial obligations, and shall convene the Workshop Committee as provided in b).
The general committee hosts regional dialogues on an annual basis with a rotation between universities, normally in the spring. A schedule of the rotation will be based on a five-year cycle. Universities that choose to host a provincial dialogue are required to give two years notice to the collective prior at the May meeting. The proposal would include, but is not limited to, timing, number of days, possible itinerary, theme/focus, special events and marketing to counselors. Members will vote on the proposal at the August meeting. If no proposal is forthcoming then the system would revert to the Regional Dialogue pattern. Once the Provincial Dialogue proposal has been approved by the GCSSL, the motion will be put forward for approval by OURA.
Special Meetings of the GCSSL shall be called at the discretion of the Chair.
Meetings shall be open to observers but only members will be permitted to participate in debate unless recognized by the Chair. Meetings may move into closed session to consider a specific item of business at the request of a majority of the institutional members present and voting.
There will be three meetings of the GCSSL:
February during the OURA Conference.
May during the Provincial Dialogue/Regional Dialogue conference;
August during Workshop;
After the fall UIP and Ontario Universities’ Fair have been completed.
The UIP is a vehicle for communication between Ontario’s universities and the province’s high school students, outside the GTA. All School boards – public, separate, private and independent – outside the GTA in Ontario will be eligible to host a UIP. The Standing Committee is responsible for the organization of the UIP on behalf of the GCSSL. The Standing Committee shall endeavor to include all school boards in the visit schedule within reasonable bounds of geography, time and budget. The UIP will normally be held from September to November each year.
All post-secondary institutions which are voting members of the GCSSL, as defined in Article 1, Section 3, must participate in the UIP.
The participation of other postsecondary institutions in the UIP is not permitted.
Affiliate institutions of Ontario universities, as defined in Article 1, Section 5, are permitted to participate under the auspices of the COU member. Affiliate institutions must share the COU members’ space during the UIP.
No institution shall request to visit a secondary school during the week of that secondary school’s participation in the UIP.
No institution shall request additional classroom space at a school hosting a UIP. Institutions are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner during a UIP so that they will not disturb other presentations or interfere with the general operation of the UIP.
The name of the committee shall be the Ontario Universities’ Fair Steering Committee, herein after referred to as OUF-SC.
Its mandate is to ensure that Ontario universities are effectively marketed in order to provide information to prospective students and their families through the Fair.
The OUF-SC is appointed by the Ontario University Registrars’ Association (OURA) Executive. It reports on the OUF to the OURA Executive and the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) Advisory Board who ensures that OUF meets the needs of the registrarial and liaison communities as is practical.
The OUF-SC is responsible for directing the OUF as a service to Council of Ontario Universities’ (COU) members and associate members.
The following shall be functions of the OUF-SC and the members thereof:
To formulate a strategic plan for the OUF every three years and present it for consideration to the OUAC Advisory Board and to the OURA Executive.
To monitor the OUF’s performance against the strategic plan.
To maintain the OUF Policy Manual in order to meet the objectives of the strategic plan and good business practice. Contents of the manual will include, but are not limited to: OUF policies and compliance – including regulating sponsorship, space allocation, booths, pricing and signage; budgeting and budget compliance; operations management; relations with universities; marketing; contracting; risk management and human resources management.
To establish goals for organizational performance and direction prior to each OUF.
To evaluate each OUF on its completion against the set goals.
To submit timely reports to the OUAC Advisory Board, the OURA Executive, the Standing Committee on Student Recruitment (SCSR) and to the COU. An annual report will include an evaluation of the most recent Fair; plans for the upcoming Fair and periodic strategic plans.
As a senior member of the General Committee on Student Recruitment (GCSR), the appointed Chair will bring the best information and expertise in liaison to bear on the direction of the OUF. The Chair of the OUF-SC will report on the OUF to the OURA Executive and the OUAC Advisory Board whereby he/she will solicit advice and information.
The OUF-SC Chair will report to the SCSSL and GCSSL on all matters related to the management of the affairs of the OUF Steering Committee and the Ontario Universities’ Fair. The OUF-SC Chair will manage the affairs of the OUF-SC and the OUF in order to fulfill the mandate of the OUF; review and recommend on contracts and budgets to the OUAC; manage the event contractor in partnership with the OUAC; liaise effectively with OUAC administrators and manage processes and timelines.
The OUF-SC shall have the discretion to delegate responsibilities and accountabilities to the OUAC, contractors and volunteers in order to fulfill its mandate.
The OUF-SC shall consist of eight members from institutions which are recognized by the Council of Ontario Universities. Each member shall have one vote on all matters brought before the OUF-SC. It is important that the election/appointment process for OUF-SC membership encourage and facilitate broad geographic and institutional representation from within the Ontario university community.
The OUF-SC composition shall consist of the following representation:
Four members named by the OURA General Committee on Student Recruitment. Of these, a senior member of the liaison community shall be elected as Steering Committee Chair by the General Committee on Student Recruitment Committee for a term of one year. The executive positions of Vice-Chair and Past Chair will also be drawn from this group, serving for one year in each position.GCSSL.
Two members named by the OURA Executive. Of the two, one shall be a registrar. The second shall be a senior administrator responsible for their Institution’s Fair budget.
Two members named by COU and OUAC.
The election of two new GCSSL OUF-SC members shall take place at the GCSSL Annual General Meeting. One will be elected as Vice-Chair, and the second will serve a one-year term. (Once elected as Vice-Chair, it is intended that this member will remain a member of the OUF-SC for three terms.)
The SCSSL Chair is responsible for inviting nominations for each of the two GCSSL positions. Nominees must be sanctioned by their institution to stand for election. It is expected that nominees for the Vice-Chair role be drawn from the senior level of the liaison collective, and have sufficient knowledge and experience to become OUF-SC Chair following their term as Vice-Chair.
The Chair of the SCSSL shall inform members of the GCSSL, prior to the General Meeting, of those who will stand for election. Nominations may be made from the floor for the three positions if a two-thirds majority of institutions so approve. Such nominees must have the prior consent of their institution to stand for election. Any member of the GCSSL is eligible to nominate candidates for any position. Of these three positions, one must to be a senior member in the Liaison collective, who has the experience and knowledge to be considered appropriate for appointment by the GCSSL to the role of the Chair of the OUF-SC.
The representatives from the OURA Executive, COU and the OUAC shall be appointed or elected by their constituency in a manner appropriate to them.
The operating year for the OUF-SC shall be from March 1 to the end of February.
The OUF-SC shall meet on a regular and on-going basis throughout the year as deemed necessary by the OUF-SC Chair. Bourinot’s Rules of Order shall apply in the conduct of any meeting. Members desiring to speak on any point shall ask the Chair for the floor and may not speak more than three times on any one subject without the special permission of the Chair.
Members drawn from outside the GCSSL shall normally be appointed for two-year terms. Members from the GCSSL will serve as indicated in Section 5.
Each member of the OUF-SC shall be a voting member. Quorum shall be a majority of members within OUF-SC.
Should a vacancy occur on the OUF-SC, the committee shall have discretion as to whether the vacancy will be filled by appointment by the OUF-SC or by requesting appointments from the OURA Executive, COU or the Standing Committee on Student Recruitment. In all instances, appointments shall honour the proportionality as defined in Section 5 – MEMBERSHIP.
It is the duty of the Chair to maintain order and decorum, read motions to the meeting so that they may be debated, decide questions of order and procedure, submit motions or other proposals to the meeting for decision by vote and to adjourn the meeting when business is concluded. The Chair has the responsibility to ensure that the rights of the individuals as members are upheld and respected. The Chair also has the responsibility and authority to ensure that the business before the meeting is expedited and facilitated.
No substantive motion shall be considered at any meeting of the GCSSL or the Standing Committee unless it appears explicitly on the agenda.
All substantive motions, including reports of sub-committees, must be sent to the institutional members at least fourteen days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be discussed.
The Chair of each meeting shall conduct the proceedings in conformity with the rules given in Bourinot’s Rules of Order, revised by J.G. Dubroy (McLelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto).
In special cases, the Chair may request that these Terms of Reference be suspended in order to effectively conduct the business of the GCSSL. Such suspension shall require a two-thirds vote of those members present and eligible to vote.
The election of the members-at-large shall take place at the General meeting in November.
Nominations for the position of member-at-large should be presented to the Chair at least two weeks prior to the date of the November General Meeting. Nominees must be sanctioned by their institutions to stand for election. The Chair shall inform all members of the GCSSL, prior to the General Meeting, of those who will stand for election. Nominations may be made from the floor for all positions if a two-thirds majority of institutions present so approve. Such nominees must have the prior consent of their institution to stand for election. Any member of the GCSSL is eligible to nominate candidates for any position.
When nominations have been closed, the officer(s) shall be chosen by a majority of those participating universities present and voting.
The term of office begins with the adjournment of the General Meeting at which a member was elected. Each elected member shall serve a one-year term and may stand for re-election.
The representative of the OURA Executive shall be appointed or elected by their constituency in a manner deemed appropriate by them.
The purpose of INFO shall be to provide secondary schools and their students with accurate information on the Ontario universities on matters which fall within the scope of secondary school liaison.
Chair – 3 years One member – 3 years
One member – 1 year One member – 2 years
One member – ex officio from public affairs at COU One member – 2 years
Editor – permanent (from COU)
One member – 2 years One member – 1 year
One member – 2 years – alternating
The Chair of the Editorial Board and the GCSSL member will be appointed by the Standing Committee on Student Recruitment in accordance with Article II, Section 4, Subsection a)iii). The appointment of an Editor and all functions relating to the Editor’s duties shall be the responsibility of the Council of Ontario Universities. All other members shall be appointed or elected by their constituencies in a manner deemed appropriate by them. The Chair shall be responsible for to inform the Ontario University Registrar’s Association, the Ontario School Counsellor’s Association, and the Ontario University Council on Admissions that the Editorial Board seeks their organization’s involvement and shall request that representatives be appointed in accordance with the above.
The publication of INFO is the responsibility of the Standing Committee on Secondary School Liaison.
The production and distribution of INFO is the responsibility of the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre.
The Editor shall have absolute control of copy and in the event of dispute will consult with the Chair of the Editorial Board.
The Editorial Board shall meet at least once a year and is fully responsible for the content of the publication, including advertising and sponsorship.
One person from each institution will be responsible as the “institutional contact”. That person will collect copy for the institution, and any satellite, affiliate or constituent bodies of the same, and solely be responsible for contact with the Editor.
Revised: September 1992; December 1992; February 1993; February 1994; August 1997; February 1999; February 2000, June 2007.