Standing Committee on Undergraduate Admissions2018-10-04T03:43:30+00:00

Standing Committee on Undergraduate Admissions

The name of this Committee shall be the Standing Committee on Undergraduate Admissions (S.C.U.A.), also known in these Terms of Reference as the Committee. The Standing Committee on Undergraduate Admission is responsible to the Ontario Universities Registrar’s Association (O.U.R.A.) and shall advise O.U.R.A. on any item/issue where it (O.U.R.A.) requires information. Financial support for Committee activities is to be requested through O.U.R.A. The Standing Committee on Undergraduate Admission should be familiar with the ongoing business of the Ontario Universities Council on Admissions, in order to remain current in undergraduate admission affairs and in order to avoid duplicate research or studies on undergraduate admission. The Chair of S.C.U.A. is an ex-offio member of the Ontario Universities’ Council on Admissions (O.U.C.A.).

The Committee will provide a forum to facilitate discussion, communication and sharing of knowledge and resources among member institutions and to work together for common benefit.
The Committee shall serve as a resource and research body to provide assistance to undergraduate Admissions personnel in unusual or difficult admissions-related situations.
The Committee shall actively promote and support the professional development of Ontario university undergraduate admissions office personnel by undertaking the following activities:
organizing workshops for the exchange of information;
reviewing and researching topics of mutual interest;
maintaining a communication network to further facilitate the sharing of information;
developing a list of contact names (one per institution) of Ontario University Admissions Officers who are available to provide information, to answer questions and/or to participate in surveys.

The Committee shall consist of at least seven members, as listed below.
All Committee members must represent institutions holding membership in O.U.R.A. and must hold undergraduate admission responsibilities within their own institutions.
In nominating/electing representatives for the Committee, the need for representation of a variety of sizes of institution as well as representation from various geographic locations in the province will be taken into account.
All members of the Committee will have voting privileges in those matters where decision by vote is deemed appropriate.
Positions within the Committee will be as follows: Chair, Vice-Chair, Past Chair and Secretary.
The Vice-Chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association for a one-year term and will automatically become Chair for the succeeding term. The Secretary shall be chosen by the Committee members from the Members-at-Large. Four Members-at-Large will be elected by the entire undergraduate admissions group and shall, where possible, represent the four geographic regions within the province; i.e., the southwestern, central, northern and eastern regions.
– will sit on the Executive Committee of O.U.R.A.;
– will sit as an ex-officio member of the Ontario Universities’ Council on Admissions (O.U.C.A.)
– in the absence of the Chair, acts on his/her behalf;
– carries the responsibility for the nominations for future members of the Committee;
– will move into the position of Chair after one year.
– will act in an advisory role to allow for continuity on the Committee
– will assist the Chair and Vice-Chair as required
– is responsible for the minutes of the Committee;
– undertakes other responsibilities and activities as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Chair

The positions of Chair, Vice-Chair and Past Chair shall be for a term of one year. Members-at-Large shall hold for two-year terms.

Three members of S.C.U.A., as outlined in the previous article, shall be nominated (by themselves or by another member of O.U.R.A.) prior to the Annual Meeting of the Committee, held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of O.U.R.A. These meetings are held in February each year.
Two Members-at-Large will rotate off the Committee each year; that is, each year the Committee shall consist of two Members-at-Large in their second year of office and two Members in their first year of office.

Each year, at the Annual Meeting of S.C.U.A., elections will be held for the positions of the two Members-at-Large who have completed their two years of office, Vice-Chair and Secretary.

The S.C.U.A. will meet at least twice a year, at the call of the Chair. At least one meeting will be held in early autumn; at least one will be held in early to mid-winter.

Preference will be given to telephone conference calls except for the Annual Meeting of the Committee held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of O.U.R.A., in February of each year. Meetings in person will be held in the city which affords the most economies for the most members of the Committee.