
OURA Awards

Do you have a colleague that has gone above and beyond? Considering nominating your colleague for one of our OURA awards:

These annual awards are designed to recognize the everyday excellence of the employees of the OURA member institution, within the following areas: Registrariat, admissions, recruitment and liaison, graduate studies, records and systems, and scholarships and awards.

Each November, the OURA Vice-President will invite one award nomination per institution from each of the OURA member registrars, directors, vice-presidents and/or deans. The nominee should be under the supervision of the OURA member nominator.

At the annual OURA conference, one award per member institution will be given.

This annual award honours long-standing members—minimum of 10 years—who have made significant contributions by participating through active membership on the executive, standing committees and workshops, and active enhancement and development of academic administration within the Ontario university system.

This award program is designed to recognize, reward and share university achievements in improving the quality of, and reducing the cost of, academic administration in the following areas: admissions, registration, examinations, scheduling, transcripts, systems, records, calendars, scholarships and awards, secondary school liaison, and other activities or undertakings that may be deemed appropriate by OURA.

One innovation award will be available every second year, or at the discretion of the OURA Executive, and is valued at $5,000 to be given to fund a student scholarship at the winning institution.

This annual award honours individuals who are no longer eligible to be active members but have had significant service in OURA. The individual will enjoy a permanent invitation to attend OURA meetings and to maintain interest in OURA affairs.



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