
Why Become A Member

Being involved in OURA, first as Secretary in 2016 and 2017, and now as Vice-President has connected me to innovative, like minded individuals across the province.  I’ve collaborated with peers on decisions that will positively impact professional development opportunities for all members of the Registrar’s Office. I couldn’t tell you the number of times I’ve reached out to a member of the OURA Executive when I’ve come across a unique student situation that I needed advice on.  Joining OURA is gaining access to a whole network of people that can help you succeed!

Robyn Parr, former Vice-President OURA
Toronto Metropolitan University

As a new manager in the Registrar’s Office, I quickly discovered just how much I had to learn, and I knew I couldn’t do it alone. Getting involved with OURA introduced me to so many great people, many who continue to be a part of my strong support network. Taking on a role with the organization and playing a part in the conference planning continue to keep me connected to colleagues from around the province.  Getting involved with OURA has given me so many opportunities to develop as a professional and has made me a better manager. From standing committees to, conference presentations, to the OURA executive, there are so many different opportunities to get involved. Find the one that’s right for you and get involved!

Christopher Rooney
Manager, Operations & Client Services
Trent University

I became involved with the Graduate Standing Committee in 2012 and continued this involvement until 2016.  As a member of the committee (2012 to 2015) and also Chair, Graduate Standing Committee (2016), the opportunities I had to connect with graduate studies colleagues across Ontario were invaluable.  We collaborated on initiatives that enhanced the graduate studies community, shared best practices and issues arising on the changing landscape on graduate education.   Thanks to my involved with OURA and the OURA Executive, I have developed meaningful collegial relationships with many colleagues from Ontario universities.

Almey Tse Soriano, Manager, Student Affairs
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
York University 

The Office of the Registrar, or equivalent, of each participating institution may designate as many Regular Members as it wishes in accordance with By-Law II. If you you wish to become a member pleace contact your Institutional member for detail. You must also fill out the member registration form which will need to be approved by an Institutional Member.

Institutions which are recognized by the Council of Ontario Universities and have paid the annual fee in accordance with Article V are Institutional Members of OURA. Institutional Members are eligible to participate actively in the work of OURA. Each Institutional Member has one vote on all matters brought before OURA. The Office of the Registrar, or equivalent, of each participating institution shall designate a Regular Member as the Institutional Representative who will vote on behalf of that Institution. Institutional Members only may vote.

Professional representatives in educational agencies or institutions may apply for Associate Membership, which must be approved by the Executive Committee.  Associate Members may attend OURA workshops and annual meetings, but may not vote or hold office.

Institutions which are recognized by the Council of Ontario Universities and have paid the annual fee in accordance with Article V are Institutional Members of OURA. Institutional Members are eligible to participate actively in the work of OURA. Each Institutional Member has one vote on all matters brought before OURA. The Office of the Registrar, or equivalent, of each participating institution shall designate a Regular Member as the Institutional Representative who will vote on behalf of that Institution. Institutional Members only may vote.

Honorary Members shall be those individuals, no longer eligible to be Regular Members, but with records of significant service in OURA, who are so selected
by the Executive Committee. They shall enjoy a permanent invitation to attend OURA meetings and to maintain interest in OURA affairs.